What the hell are you doing? I gave you a perfect way to get whatever you want. I don’t need to sleep with you even thought your, super hot, somewhat perfect. After you, singing opera, well my breath was gone.
You take my breath away. I am not stupid and know I’m old, and “well, ‘not hot anymore”. But have lived enough and gotten enough to know when you hang out with a super fox other super foxes are going to want you.
Almost feel like your playing me like Angelina. “What the Fuck”. I’m not coming to you or anyone else. If you want this world at your feet, “get it together”. I know you can! I pay attention and know what your capable of and somewhat how you think and what your passions are. PERFECT to rule my children of earth. Do your job!!!
Happy New year my love. Blessing on the new years 2025.
I Love You.
Merry Christmas my Love Charlotte. Blessings to you and your family.
Find someone less fortunate and share something with them.
Remember Jesus judges us, on not how well we take care of ourselves.
But on how well we take care of and share Love with others!
Happy Birthday Charlotte Summers my beautiful Angel
Here Love a face
I love You please respond. Not in a song. Tell me something.