Written in the Holy Land Oklahoma City!
Original Posting 2024-12-21
DOGE killed USAIG ❤️ Hopefully the Federal Education Department gets eliminated.
Eliminate congress as AI and the people can make our laws 24/7 365, by online voting with Retinal scan recognition. This biometric security technology that uses a person’s retinal blood vessel pattern to identify them. It’s one of the most reliable ways to verify a person’s identity.
Elon we need more young smart people to take apart the massive insane federal bureaucracy.
Eliminate all federal rules, and regulations and the regulators.
Send it to the states limited by preceding federal law, with common sense based on human rights as stated by Thomas Jefferson in our Declaration of Independence, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.
Enforcing our creation as individuals under GOD. With bill of rights guiding us.
Then audit the pentagon!!!
RICO the shit out of illegal immigrants, the threat alone will eliminate 50% of them. They will run back to where they came from.
All illegal immigrants that conspired with known criminal gangs/terrorist organizations under the RICO act. Fill up stadiums with them as mass Nuremberg type trials.
They have all admitted Conspiracies to defraud the people of the USA. Damaging us all in our money’s, property and Jobs. Harming the USA worse than any war we ever had.
Round up all protesters, and supporters of illegal immigration and deportation. Prosecute them for UnAmerican acts.
Go after all 50 State’s Government officials supporting illegal immigration. They are conspiring against the Government of the USA.
End all Non-Profits and NGO’s, no non-profit church’s, as it makes the church irresponsible and only benefits the evil preacher’s and clergy.
No more getting rich off of Gods works. You evangelists and preachers that do this will burn for eternity.
A preacher and his family should love and live at the church never closing the doors as it is God’s sanctuary “FOR ALL OF MAN”. Welcoming God’s children at all times.
Your not a church of God with, “Locked Doors”! God is 24/7 365 as the church should be.
Well Donald getting off to a seemingly good start. Lets see if you can pull it off.
200 Executive orders but none to stop WELFARE & HOUSING VOUCHERS FOR IMMIGRANTS. Big problem as our homeless and LA need those section 8 vouchers not invaders to the USA and your H-1b visa people. And that’s why for the H-1b visa recipients. You do not really believe in the American people or the H-1b visa program would be eliminated, not changed for the betterment of you and the elite.
We are getting Jewed!
Trump is using this program to staff his Hotels and Mar-a-Lago Club including his Golf courses. What technical skills or special skills does it take to do any of the jobs at a Hotel, His home or a Golf course. None, “like zero”. To make a bed or clean a room or mow the grass. A USA citizen cannot figure out? That is what he is saying.
Traitor and a piece of human trash is Donna Trump!
Another lie from a spoiled brat perpetual lier. He started and allowed more immigrants from China than anyone. The country that has a doctrine to destroy the USA and Europe.
China is doing a great job of killing our culture and economy, as they flow in by the millions every year.
Trump will give our country to China after we invade Greenland, Panama and Canada. Then China has North America, they already have Europe and England.
First and foremost when does our Government pull there heads out and figure out we are full of immigrants. It should be ZERO Immigration.
When is it enough. EVER???
This is the elite scum trash wanting more people to sell there Goods and service’s to. Killing the USA!
America we pay for everything Israel does, paychecks for Israeli Jews also in Europe and the USA are living free.
Most do not work they are on USA, American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC promoted hidden, “Special Welfare”.
On Pico street next to Beverly Hills LA I spent several days watching the Jewish Community. Wondering why I would see dozens of the same individuals walking up and down the street night and day.
I had over a dozen immigrants from Europe and England that I would talk to, when I mentioned the above to them, they agreed that very few of the Jews in Europe work.
Get this evil Jewish trash our of the USA, that is supposedly why we stole Palestinian lands because the USA and everyone else did not want Zionist trash in there country.
We also pay for everything in Ukraine. Their paychecks, schools, Government and infrastructure including the War Machine.
It costs the USA taxpayer over a trillion dollars a year for immigration. Over quarter of our taxable GNP! While the rich get richer off of cheaper labor.
Stop funding the human evil trash of world and fix the USA.
Same with Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy and most of the rich and elite are liers, thief’s, murders, child rapist and molesters. They confess to it and you elect them, buy and use there products anyway.
You have lost your mind America and I don’t see that you seem to really care about doing anything to fix it.
You American Citizens have been beat in the head with brainwashing for ever.
Quit watching TV and listening to demonic Santa Monica/Hollywood LA music.
All of it brainwashes you and makes you stupid. Down to the commercials, even your group sports. Old men playing children’s games??? Come on, pull your heads out of stupidity!
Our Government, “all of them “local, state and federal”, are liers, murders, criminals and thieves.
On your watch Donald, Anthony Fauci came up wih covid. Your responsible.
Your #1 job as president is to preside over the government under you.
Making sure they all do there job according to law and the will of the people.
Commander and Chief, “your not”, the Pentagon made that really clear in your last term.
I have waited, “FOUR YEARS”, to tell the world of your evil ways.
You and Anthony Fauci came up wih covid as the stroke of your pen reversed Obama’s gain of function ban.
Came up with the vaccine of which you gave your evil click of mRNA drug dealers the go ahead with your/our funding. And full immunity from suit or prosecution.
Later releasing Covid-19 on the world intentionally. As so your Jewish buddies that are blackmailing you could get rich.
Millions died and millions of my children are sick and some dying because of you Donald Trump.
Anything I said on any social media platform about Ivermectin or Covid-19 was taken down by your administration. You started the censorship then Biden somewhat continued it.
Noting I said during the Biden Administration was taken down. Or censored!
Donna after being obsessed with immigrants in general and the H1-B visa program in particular, and after restricting access to foreign worker visas in the past, Trump has now switched his tune to match Musk’s, saying he has “many H-1B visas on my properties.
I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. Ya illegally!
It’s a great program.” Trump, whose most educated talent includes convicted tax fraud accountants and convicted lawyers facing debarment, has not explained why cooks, servers, housekeepers and groundskeepers at his motels need high tech visa clearances.
Trump made it really clear he can use the program for anything, even a immigrant that mows the lawn.
Anyone that brags about being in the Iraq war, is??? Sorry your so brainwashed, “evil one”!
American and immigrant Trash on welfare when they could be working. MAGA would mean to me take us back to the point of no free ride or welfare state. To where we enforce the laws that congress enacted.
I have see to many times women intentionally get pregnant by some guy, “hopefully a guy with money”, so they can get welfare and child support as so they can sit on their ass and do nothing on someone elses dime.
The welfare state and now universal income is a curse and communism, that should be eliminated for all, except extremely disabled and elderly.
To many family’s that for generations live on the welfare state. This makes there children just a means for free money. More than 80% of the time they do not really care about the kids and live it up and let the kids go do whatever.
I’ve seen many a welfare mom’s that there kids got taken away and they cried and cried and complained about how will I live now with no section 8 or welfare.
Now that there kids were gone. The kids are just a means for free stuff.
Another example!
Rest in piece my love Tupac.
Tupac Talks Donald Trump & Greed in America in 1992 Interview | MTV News
Elon Musk was our behind the scenes president with the Biden Administration, as be will be under/over Trump.
Elon made electric cars before we have the infrastructure to charge them. He still has not figured out how to recycle the used batteries.
Plus they sterilize you with every mile you drive. Huge amounts off electromagnetic radiation. Fried brains and balls, Just what we need!
Using child labor for the minerals and resources to make his electrical stupidity.
Killing the hell out of kid’s for minerals to make the batteries! Oh wow!
A smart man would have made hydrogen powered cars that are environmental friendly with a clean, natural abundant fuel source.
Blowing holes in our atmosphere for starlink, also for use by the government/military. Environmental destruction is Elon Musk.
And a snide bitch at that, just like Donna Trump. As they dance around like fagots showing how fucked in the head they are. You guys should get Married. Perfect match.
Got a little bit of hope for Tom Homan.
I do not think the justice department is going along with you. Even in the Elon/Trump admin.
You will not have the ability to do what you say, I think your know that.
Good game plan that you will not be able to implement.
A Border czar what ever that line of BS means, you have no authority to prosecute anyone.
Donald Trump in his last term ordered the justice dept to do many things that they just refused.
Same with the Pentagon, they just said no even though his job is Commander and Chief.
What about Greg Abbott along with 10’s of thousands of GOV officials, Mayors, Governors, pilots and bus drivers including the companies they worked for.
They are all guilty of violating 8 U.S. Code § 1324. Texas Governor Abbott knew better but did it anyway, knowing he would not be prostituted.
Your not going to do anything about them either.
You stated before the election all illegal immigrants. Well that’s more than 50 to 70 million people. Then it was a half million that violate our laws, Then back to 15 million that came in during the Biden nightmare. Then it’s back to just the ones that violate our major laws. Now it’s giving legal status to Dreamers.
Including increasing the H-1B visa program because American KIDS CANNOT MAKE A BED, CLEAN A ROOM OR MOW A LAWN!
Donna flip flop’s more that a Sunset Strip hooker. All a deception and a lie.
There are over 70 million immigrants that according to the will of the real American people, congressional intent and federal law are criminals and should be evicted.
Anyone that is a illegal immigrant is illegally here and violated our laws, as soon as they set foot into our country, not just what you, “Donna, ‘deem as illegal”.
Including Elon, Ted, and your old lady. No one should be above the law. NO ONE. Not God’s laws or mankind’s laws. “NO ONE”!
You have no idea of my fury and rath that will befall your world! And it started May 15th of this year or 666 or pre-judgement day.