
Gatsby Version Five

Gatsby Version Five with partial hydration and slices.
4 min read
Gatsby Version Five

Gatsby Version Five v5.13.6

This Site uses Gatsby Version "gatsby": "^5.13.6", with React 18.3.1 Node 20.12.2 with NPM 8.11.0.

Now I can use Gatsby 5.13.6, with MDX version 3.20.0

Do you really think everyone who Uses Gatsby wants to completely rebuild there site when you decide, there could be workaround to upgrades that are effortless but none of the Gatsby community can figure it out. Mr Artsy!

Tried "gatsby-plugin-mdx": "5.0.0" slug errors is all I get. Tried remark-slug, rehype-slug and Gatsby’s external modules Gatsby recommends.

Gatsby issue’s on slug errors only response was it’s unfortunate.

What kind of non-sense is unfortunate. It still works just fine with "gatsby-plugin-mdx": "3.20.0" as long as you update your queries to where Gatsby version 5.12.4, still works.

GraphQL schema: Changes to sort and aggregation fields

As per the RFC: Change to sort and aggregation fields API the sort argument and aggregation’s field argument were changed from enums to nested input objects.

This change enabled lower resource usage and faster “building schema” step.

They provide a codemod (via gatsby-codemods) for you to easily convert your queries to the new syntax. Go to your project and run the following in your terminal:


Conversion from v4 to v5

Query Conversions

That’s not changing it to fields slug. Maybe it’s possible when they get over unfortunate, what ever that means.

Overall Gatsby’s version five is smoking fast and worth the upgrade.

The fastest Gatsby Yet

The Gatsby 5 is here and it’s awesome!

This article will teach you everything you need to know about the new Gatsby v5 and all its cool new features.

With Gatsby 5’s new Slice API for supercharged component builds and Partial Hydration to speed up your site performance — updating your website and content at scale has never been easier.

⚠️ This is an Alpha, we strongly recommend trying Partial Hydration on a development branch of your site (no YOLO’s yet, please!).

Showcase Video

Check out the Partial Hydration RFC

Updates to non Gatsby NPM modules, that are using old versions of React or GraphQL is a pain. I just turn them into components, update the react calls and change from prop-types, to using typescript .tsx adding types or interface types for my conversion’s.

Partial Hydration

Gatsby is unlocking more frontend performance capabilities for developers by introducing Partial Hydration to the framework.

This will allow teams to ship only the necessary JavaScript to the browser in order to support interactive elements, thereby eliminating bundle bloat that has historically limited the frontend speed for modern websites.

Check out the Partial Hydration RFC with the instruction on how to play around with the feature today

TLDR; check out the Showcase Video

Using Partial Hydration flags in gatsby-config.ts


WOW this cut the size of my build output in about half from, Gzipped All (645.3 KB) to All (387.3 KB).

Maybe it was not building the components without “use client”, well see.

So adding the hydration flag is really cool but you have to refactor your components to accept this change.


Without "use client" you get the below error so its worth the add work.

ERROR #80000

Building partial HTML failed for path “/offline-plugin-app-shell-fallback/”

This can happen if interactive elements like “useEffect”, “useState”, “createContext” or event handlers are used in a component
without declaring the “use client” directive at the top of the file.

Consider adding “use client” to the top of your file if your component is interactive, otherwise refactor your component so it
can be statically rendered with React Server Components (RSC).

See our docs page for more info on this error: https://gatsby.dev/partial-hydration-error

TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting ‘props’)

Of which I have not done yet, but I will work on it and update this page.

Slices API

Content Editors enjoy lightning-fast builds when making content changes in the source CMS thanks to Gatsby’s Incremental Builds.

However, when content changes on a broadly shared component in a site — like a header, footer, or shared site navigation — all pages would typically be rebuilt.

Gatsby v5 allows developers to designate specific components as highly shared throughout the site via Slices.

Gatsby builds Slices separately and then assembles them with the pages that use them, thereby dramatically reducing build times for content changes to these highly shared components.

No more waiting for a full site builds when navigation content changes! Content editors, rejoice! In our tests, this can yield up to a 90% reduction in build duration for content changes to highly shared components.

Slices API is not part of the v5 alpha as we are still making some tweaks but will be part of the Gatsby v5 Beta, coming soon.

Breaking Changes

Our goal with Gatsby 5 is to have a smooth upgrade experience, especially coming from v4.

Here’s a list of the breaking changes.


  • Minimum required Node.js version >= 18

  • Minimum required React version >= 18

  • Removal of <StaticQuery /> component to using, (useStaticQuery)

  • Non-ESM browsers are not polyfilled by default

  • GraphQL schema: changes to sort and aggregation fields which make Gatsby more performant and lower resource usage

As you can see, most of these items will have low to no impact on your gatsby project in most cases.

Where to go from here

Gatsby v5 is here! This is the version of Gatsby that you need to know about. It’s faster, smaller, and more performant than ever before!

There are many more new improvements beyond these, but we’ll have to wait for the official release.

In the meantime, you can check out the v5 alpha and try it out yourself, and we’d love to hear your thoughts about the alpha in the GitHub discussion!

Version Gatsby Version 5.3.1 is now out and out of Alpha stage and at 5.12.4. Convert and update you Gatsby site now for shocking performance and Love.
